Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Master Exam Madness

Ok. So. Saturday, I take my big exam, which decides whether or not I get my little piece of special paper that says, "Congrats Adele, you spent two extra years learning more useless junk in hopes that you might earn a couple thousand more bucks a year." I am prepared, and I am not prepared.

I know 1/3 of the 16 books well. Another 1.5/3 reasonably well. And the other .5? Not so much.
It's pass/fail, so if I fail this time, I have one last chance in August to pass or else they boot me out of the program.

After that, write 3 short stories and a fifteen page paper before March 12 if I pass.

And with all this stress, my skin is freaking out. I have broke out (where else of course) all along my jawline. Green tea, pomegranate juice, and water here I come.

And here's some more interesting news: free cosmetics! Dept. Store cosmetics! Sure thing! Just follow the link below:

Free cosmetics!

As my name implies, I'm from down South, specifically, a very po-dunk little town, where the best thing we have for miles around is a Wal-Mart that is at least 15 minutes away. If I wanted to score free make-up from one of these stores, I'd have to drive over 200 miles. :( So, to everyone out there in more metropolitan areas, take advantage of this!

I hope after this test passes to have a couple of more tutorial-like posts up. I also have some really cool information on getting e.l.f. products with out the wait to share. Anyway, if you're testing this week in school as well, I wish you lots of luck! =)


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