Now, here's a sleek little find (imo). Many girls out there who like to use brushes will find this useful. Xteeener mentioned these brushes before in one of her many tutorials, as I'm sure other gurus on youtube have.
But, you can now find Lowe Cornell brushes at Wal-Mart! (Previously you could only find them Hobby Lobby or craft stores). They are a mere 5$ for a pack that comes with many sizes. (At craft stores, they'll run you double the price!) If your Wal-Mart recently re-modeled to the fancy-smancy Wal-Mart, they should be in the craft section with the paints.
These brushes are really soft and good for eyes, lips, nails, and other details that regular make-up brushes just don't quite get. I personally haven't tried them yet, but I do plan to soon, and I'll let you know how that goes. Enjoy and happy bargain!